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February 13, 2024

Skogman Commercial Announces New Agent Certification Program After Record Setting Year in 2022

Skogman Commercial Announces New Agent Certification Program After Record Setting Year in 2022

Cedar Rapids, Iowa – For the first time in company history, Skogman Commercial exceed $500 million in closed transaction volume across all its markets, in 2022. The company also led the Corridor in closed volume and percent of transactions completed, across all commercial property types.

“Reaching more than half a billion dollars in closed volume is a remarkable achievement,” said Todd Bergen, Vice President of Skogman Commercial. “I’m also proud to say our agents participated in more than 20% of all commercial related transactions in the Corridor.”

While Skogman boasts the largest commercial real estate group in the Corridor, they’re not content with their success. In February 2023, Skogman launched the area’s first commercial agent certification program, providing highly structured commercial agent education over 12 months. The inaugural program has accepted 10 prequalified agents, 5 based in Cedar Rapids and 5 based in Coralville. Skogman plans to select and train a new class of agents annually.

“Outside of national accreditation programs, there are very few opportunities for formal commercial agent education.” Said Bergen. “Commercial real estate requires not only specific technical skills, but also transaction experience gained over many years. We’re committed to serving the corridor market for many years to come and to do that we’re investing in our people today. Ultimately, this will benefit all our commercial clients.”

About Skogman Commercial Real Estate Group

The Skogman Commercial Real Estate Group has been serving the Corridor for more than 25 years and is the market leader in closed volume and transactions completed. Some of the keys to our success include innovative marketing strategies, hundreds of high impact signs across eastern Iowa, affiliation with one of the largest independently owned real estate companies, Skogman Realty, and agents who have received the highest designations in the field. Learn more at

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